Business-to-business contract law seminar

The City of London are funding a programme called Ready to Supply the City.

GLE are pleased to invite you to a new FREE workshop as part of this programme – aiming to keep complex subjects simple for London’s small business community.

If you have a chance at a new contract – or – you have planned to sell on the Internet – the law relating to contracts can provide a challenge.

Do you know what might affect you?  Are you clear about the terms and conditions that a buyer might ask you to sign? Are you clear about the different kinds of agreements that exist and which might be best for your business?

How do you maintain control and be sure you don’t fall into any traps – accidentally of course.

Set aside a couple of hours next week and come to hear Brendon Christian offer some advice and guidance for your business. Brendon is a lawyer working for a City company who is keen, like us, to support other small businesses to grow and develop – safely

Business Law – Tips & Tricks

When:                  Wednesday December 11th 2013

Where:                 GLE oneLondon, 10 – 12 Queen Elizabeth Street, SE1 2JN

Time:                     2pm – 5pm

To confirm your place please email or telephone Will Balston on 020 7940 1524

This workshop is part of the Ready to Supply the City programme funded by the City of London Corporation and supported by the European Regional Development Fund.