Improve air quality in Streatham
Did you know that you can save time and money by reviewing how you procure goods and services whilst improving Streatham’s air quality at the same time? Please come to a seminar to discuss how we can work together to reduce air pollution from deliveries in the area. Refreshments provided.
Streatham Hill has been identified by Lambeth Council and the GLA as a pollution hotspot in the borough.
Deliveries of goods and services significantly contribute to local air pollution and this is where you come in.
There are many things you as a business can do to improve air quality for your staff as well as customers while reducing costs at the same time. To help us help you, we would like to invite you to a seminar to hear your views about deliveries of goods and services in the area, what works and what doesn’t and how potential solutions could look like.
Tuesday 31 July 2018 at 9.30am at Hood, 67 Streatham Hill, SW2 4TX.
Please register here: