Crime Prevention advice for empty commercial premises

The Coronavirus has necessitated businesses close across London leaving many empty buildings: this will likely be the first time your premise is going to be empty for an extended period of time.

The Metropolitan Police Service are maintaining a visible presence across the capital and are committed to preventing any crime. However, they need your help to ensure that your buildings are as secure as they can be.

As a rule, it is important that you focus on the risks to your premises and regularly review your security. Work in partnership online to reduce the risk by sharing information with your local business community, crime reduction partnership and local police.

The following information will help you protect your property:

Metropolitan Police – Empty Commercial Premises Advice

Crime prevention advice for closed premises/venues provided by Safer Business Network

→ Test your alarm, ensure it is monitored and fully operational→ Identify any vulnerable areas. Rectify these. Ensure gates, bollards and fire exit doors are secured prior to closure.

→ Ensure service doors are closed and locked when not in use.

→ Make sure you have list of key holders.

→ Ensure your contact details for staff are up to date.

→ Consider moving high value items into secured stockrooms and out of view.

→ Don’t leave any keys inside the venue.

→ Consider timer switches/ensure sufficient lighting is left on at the premises/surrounding area.

→ Ensure there are no combustible material left in the proximity of the building such as packaging – consider the risk of arson.

→ Review your CCTV. It is operational and is it positioned to cover as much of your business as possible. You may want remote access.

→ Ensure that no cash is retained on the premises overnight. If you have to leave cash on site store them in a security accredited safe bolted to the floor.