Crime Prevention advice for commercial premises

As more businesses prepare to open, it is important that you focus on the risks to your premises and regularly review your security.

This may be the first time your premise is going to have to change the way that you operate and interact with your customers. Sadly, criminals will seek to exploit the coronavirus pandemic which is why it is essential that the stores continue, where possible, to regulate all customers.

The Metropolitan Police have released some tips that could assist in protecting your store. Download below.

Business Crime Advice

Counter Terrorism

The CPNI have produced further guidance in relation to protecting pedestrian queues from Vehicle as Weapon (VAW) attack.

Social distancing measures will require businesses to manage customers flows and numbers going into premises. In order to minimise the risk to queues of people, you can take practical and achievable steps to either deter or disrupt a Vehicle As a Weapon Attack.

CPNI and NaCTSO Advice