Free Health Checks for Workers – Age UK Lambeth

Age UK Lambeth is working alongside the Health and Wellbeing bus to tackle health inequality across the borough. This new initiative is looking to connect workers with health services across the borough, offering referrals and signposting through our new Wellbeing Champion. If your workers have any health concerns, please put them in contact with the Wellbeing Champion!

They’re also looking for businesses to work alongside them, helping to host events where workers are offered rudimentary health checks by the Wellbeing bus (BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, mental health) and signposted to appropriate resources. These events would not cost your business anything. They would only need space nearby in order to park the Health and Wellbeing bus.

If your staff ask for health support, Age UK Lambeth can help. Please enquire if you’re interested, as your assistance will help tackle a widening health gap within the borough.

Businesses of interest:

  • Industrial business (e.g. manufacturing, packaging, distribution, etc.)
  • Business operated by workers with worse health outcomes (e.g. staff on minimum wage or zero hour contracts, BME people, disabled people)
  • Hospitality
  • But all inquiries are welcome

Please contact Nicholas Dypoldt, Wellbeing Champion, if you have any questions or would like to take part. Find out more here.