Lambeth Council support package for businesses and VCS

Lambeth Council has announced a wide-range of initiatives to help businesses, voluntary and community sector (VCS) groups and the borough’s residents cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The package is designed to offer relief and has been put together following consultation with the borough’s business representatives.

The package includes:

  • Rent relief
  • Grants to businesses – Government have announced grants of either £10,000 or £25,000 for businesses who receive Small Business Rate Relief or are in the retail, hospitality or leisure sectors. Lambeth’s business rates team are compiling a list of eligible businesses and identifying where they have gaps in bank details or contact details. This list will be provided to us to populate.
    You DO NOT NEED to contact Lambeth Council. If they haven’t been in touch by April 8th, please do let us know. To check your Rateable Value see here.
  • Business Rates relief – the business rate relief support announced by Government is being applied to accounts automatically. This includes 100% business rate relief for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses for 2020/21.
  • Business Task Force – Lambeth have established a Task Force with its seven Business Improvement Districts, coordinating our response and working up additional proposals to support local businesses and support the eventual economic recovery effort;
  • Lobbying government to support our self-employed residents, many of which work in the creative industries in Lambeth, with additional measures to alleviate financial hardship.

Full details of the package