Brexit Preparedness workshop
Don’t wait; Prepare.
On October 9th, we held a Brexit Preparedness workshop for Streatham businesses, with support from the London Growth Hub and Brexit Help. The event was successful in informing businesses of the next steps to take ahead of October 31st and allowed businesses to raise other concerns regarding business policy.
Brexit means the UK will be separating from the European legal order, therefore not bound by EU policy but the World Trade Organisation will be the baseline.
Regarding employees from Europe, if the UK leaves the EU with a deal, they can apply for EU settlement up until June 30th 2021, however, if the UK leaves the EU WITHOUT a deal, the deadline for EU settlement is December 31st 2020. If you travel or transport goods from Europe in your own vehicle, remember to register for your EORI number, international drivers license, and update your car & health insurance.