We Collect and We Invest.
We are a not for profit organisation with no shareholders and no capital.
Voted in by businesses, InStreatham provides a strong collective voice for approximately 500 businesses in Streatham and supports projects that invest in the development and promotion of the BID area and businesses.
Businesses based on Streatham High Road voted to become part of a Business Improvement District (BID) in a ballot that took place in February 2013; there, inStreatham BID was born. The inStreatham BID was overwhelmingly approved by 80% of voters and achieved an 85% vote in favour by rateable value.
Every five years, InStreatham goes to ballot to renew it's term, giving businesses the opportunity to vote for continued investments into the success of Streatham High Road and our business community. In February 2018, InStreatham was successful in the ballot for a second five-year term with 83% YES votes and 95% in rateable value.
InStreatham is now in its third term, after 80% of business members voted YES and 87% voted in favour by Rateable Value in the 2023 ballot.
InStreatham is funded through a levy paid by local businesses which generates an income of more than £1.25 million pounds over its five-year lifespan which will be invested back into Streatham.
Meet the board
The board includes a combination of levy paying members that represent a full cross-section of the business community. All Board members serving on the board do so on a voluntary basis. These volunteers shape and steer our work.

Razin Omar

Chris Baron

Angela Gordon

David Harvey

Linda James-Toney

Nicola Gunn

Sally Bell