Nominations are now open for the prestigious Lambeth Made Charter Mark Awards 2021
Do you know a business or organisation that has made an exceptional difference to young people and their communities in Lambeth?
From inspiring work experience and apprenticeship opportunities to supporting families affected by COVID-19, businesses and community organisations have risen to the challenge. Lambeth Made are counting on your local knowledge and experience to identify the organisations that should be recognised for their community impact or for offering opportunities to young people.
As National Apprenticeship Week approaches, the awards are a great opportunity to highlight the efforts of some of the amazing employers that develop local talent in Lambeth.
There are six awards to nominate for and one nominee in each category will receive a highly coveted Gold Charter Mark Award for exceptional contributions. Submit your nominations by February 14th.
Last years Streatham winners included El Chico’s Mexican Restaurant for their family positive approach to business, Streatham Youth and Community Trust for helping young people into work, Streatham Space Project for their free programmes for families and children and Anthony Gold Solicitors for helping families locally with pro bono work.
Watch last years event: and register here to join the event on 2 March.